

(The origin)

The word nature is derived from the Latine word “Natura”.

Natura is a Latin translation of Greek word “Physis”, which is originally related to the inborn characteristics that animal, plants and many features of the world develop of their own accord.

In ancient times nature literally means “birth”.

In general the word nature refers to the living plants and animals. And in some other cases – The way a particular types of things exist and change of their own accord, such as the weather and the geology of the earth, is often called as “natural environment”. Wild animals, forests, rocks and other things which have not been altered by human intervention is called natural things.

Purpose of writing this blog :-

I am writing this blog about nature to connect everybody’s soul to the mother nature. These days everybody is busy in their life and 98% (as per my opinion) of the people doesn’t even bother about what is going on in the world how the pollution is increasing day by day and what would be its future impact.

  •  So the main motto of this blog is to connect people with nature,
  •  And will learn how to save our nature for upcoming generations,
  •  And yes the money from the monitization … ha ha ha…


We are in 2018, and the current total world population is 7.6 billion as of july 2018, according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by worldometers. 
And the world population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100 (according to UN DESA report).
It means that 7.6 billion people share the Earth and its natural resources, and as the population increases, the demand for natural resources will increase as well.

People’s consumption of energy for transportation, heat, food production  and other activities generates air, land and water pollution.
More people means more pollution, which can exacerbate the depletion of natural resources.
As we know that the natural resources like petroleum, coal, natural gas are limited.
As per Study done we would be run out by fossil fuels by 2088.
But that’s not the truth.
Globally, we currently consume the equivalent of over 11 billion tonnes of oil in fossil fuels every year. Crude oil reserves are vanishing at the rate of 4 billion tonnes a year if we carry on at this rate without increase for our growing population or aspirations, our known oil deposits will last until 2052(as per study).

  • You will say- yes we knew it.
  • But my question is- what we are waiting for ?
  • Why don’t we are thinking about it now ?

Sadly, we are in such state of mind that- okay okay we will think about it when all the natural resources will be ended up, and then find another ways to live on. Here I want to say my dear friends nothing would be achieved by such thinking.

Now you are thinking is there any way to stop over consuming our natural resources, or any way to stop pollution.

The answer is yes...

Today we have developed many types of man made resources that can be use instead of our natural resources.

Okay what are those things....
We will discuss about them in next blog post so stay tuned to get love from the nature.


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